It’s common for insurance companies to make a settlement offer soon after a car accident. You may be told it’s the best that they can do, and they will promise quick payment. Your medical bills may be adding up quickly and you may just want to be done with all of this. But the insurance company is not doing you any favors. Their offer will fall far short of covering the damages you suffered. A lawyer can review their offer and advise you of your options.
Remember, once you agree to a settlement, you can’t go back later and ask for more money. Insurance companies increase settlement offers frequently, usually after a lawyer builds a strong case they have to take seriously.
A car accident lawyer is focused on getting you the best results.
Insurance companies have the advantage after a car accident, and they know it. They have many different tactics they can use to try to justify paying you less than you deserve. An experienced California car accident lawyer will be familiar with these tactics and have experience handling insurance companies, their adjusters, and their attorneys.
When you have experienced legal representation on your side, you don’t have to put up with the confusion and frustration of interactions with insurance companies. Your lawyer can deal with them directly on your behalf and negotiate a settlement that meets your needs, or fight for you in court if needed.
Learn more about how a car accident lawyer can help your case. Schedule a free consultation today.