You are required to notify your insurance company if you’ve been involved in a car accident. Call them as soon as you can, within a day or two. Stick to the basic facts. If an adjuster from your insurance company – or the other driver’s insurance company – contacts you, remember that they don’t have your best interests in mind. Politely decline to answer any questions or give a recorded statement. Simply explain that you need to talk to your attorney first.
Call an experienced St. Petersburg car accident lawyer.
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t sure whether you have a case. It doesn’t matter if you think you may have been partially to blame. A lawyer will know what questions to ask and can explain your rights. You can get answers to your questions, hear your legal options and learn where you stand.
Most lawyers offer a free consultation. There’s no cost and no obligation. But don’t wait too long to get legal advice. It’s best to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. The law gives you two years from the date of your accident to take legal action. But within months, evidence may get lost. Witnesses may forget important details. The sooner you act, the better.
Call A Premier St. Petersburg, FL Car Accident Attorney
Armando Personal Injury Law
2002 E 5th Ave UNIT 103, Tampa, FL 33605
(813) 482-0355
Call today to schedule your free consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer. Get the information you need to help you decide what to do next.