If you don’t, you could be jeopardizing your ability to recover financial compensation. Report your accident within a couple of days. But you are not required to go into detail. Do not agree to give a recorded statement or answer any questions. While that may sound harmless, insurance companies are trying to trick you into saying something they can interpret as accepting blame. Respectfully decline and explain that you would like to speak with a lawyer first. Definitely don’t agree to a settlement until you get legal advice.
Talk to an experienced Tampa car accident lawyer.
Armando Personal Injury Law
2002 E 5th Ave UNIT 103, Tampa, FL 33605
(813) 482-0355
You may wonder if it’s worth talking to a lawyer or whether you even have a case. But you should at least learn what your rights and options are. A lawyer can review the details of your crash, explain your options and give you an idea of what to expect during the claims process. There’s no cost and no obligation.
Schedule a free consultation as soon as possible. The sooner a lawyer can get started on your case, the better. While Florida law gives you two years from the date of your crash to file a lawsuit, waiting too long can hurt your case. Evidence can be lost or destroyed. Witnesses can forget what they saw.
Call today to schedule a time to talk to an experienced car accident lawyer.