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Top Personal Injury Law Firms Covering Hit-and-Run Accidents

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Find out how a hit-and-run lawyer can help you after a crash. Premier Attorneys are committed to helping injured motorists get justice after hit-and-run accidents.

Were you involved in a crash with a driver who fled the scene? This can be a frustrating experience, especially if you can’t identify the at-fault driver. While hit-and-run accidents can be devastating, it’s important to understand your rights and which course of action to take.

A Premier Attorney can help you navigate the complex claims process. They can also help you explore every legal avenue available to you. To learn how, contact a verified hit-and-run lawyer near you and schedule a free consultation.

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Every state requires motorists to stop at a crash scene, as long as it’s safe to do so. A hit-and-run accident happens when a driver fails to stop after a crash. Leaving the scene of a crash is an illegal act that makes it difficult for crash victims to get compensation and justice.

What are the penalties for hit-and-run accidents?

The legal consequences for a hit-and-run accident can differ depending on where it happens and what exactly occurred.

If caught, drivers who flee the scene of a crash can be charged with a crime, pay fines, lose their license, and possibly go to jail. They can also lose their license temporarily or permanently.

The severity of the penalties can vary by how much damage or how many injuries or deaths happened.

Is a hit-and-run a felony?

Typically, if a hit-and-run involves only property damage and no injuries, it may be charged as a misdemeanor. In some cases, hit-and-run drivers may face felony charges, especially if they caused significant harm.

Felony hit-and-run charges can lead to more severe penalties, including possible imprisonment. These penalties can vary by state.

If you're a victim of a hit-and-run accident, take the following steps to protect your rights and build a claim:

  • Call the police to report the crash. Then, wait for an officer to arrive.
  • Provide as much detail as possible about the fleeing vehicle, even if you didn’t catch the license plate number.
  • Document the crash scene. That includes taking photos and collecting witness information.
  • Seek immediate medical attention, even if your injuries seem minor.
  • Contact your insurance company to report the crash. Stick to the basic facts and avoid disclosing too much information.
  • Consult with an experienced hit-and-run accident lawyer who can help you get fully compensated.

Insurance coverage for a hit-and-run depends on the type of insurance you have and the circumstances of the crash.

You may still be able to recover damages even if the other driver fled the scene. For example, if you got the driver’s license plate number, or if the driver was identified another way, you can pursue damages from their insurance company.

However, if the hit-and-run driver can’t be identified, you would need to file an uninsured motorist claim to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. Some states require drivers to have uninsured or underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. This type of coverage is optional in other states. It’s highly recommended that you get UM/UIM coverage if your state doesn’t require it.

If you don’t have UM/UIM, you’re not completely out of options. You may receive reimbursement from: 

  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Like UM/UIM PIP is required in some states and optional in others. If you have PIP, it pays for medical expenses, lost wages, funeral expenses, and essential services if you become disabled.
  • Medical Payments (MedPay): This type of coverage is completely optional. It covers medical expenses and funeral costs for you and your passengers.
  • Health insurance: If you sustained an injury in a hit-and-run, your health insurance may cover some of your medical expenses. However, you may have to pay a copayment out-of-pocket.

Will a hit-and-run claim raise my insurance?

If you were not at fault for a hit-and-run, it typically won’t raise your insurance. However, if your insurance company deems you partially responsible, it could have an impact on your insurance rate, especially if you already have a history of being involved in car accidents.

The time frame for reporting a hit-and-run accident can vary depending on your state. In some states, the statute of limitations is as little as one year and as much as six years. In most states, it’s around two or three years. However, you should report a hit-and-run as soon as possible. Prompt reporting helps ensure that evidence is fresh and increases the chances of identifying the at-fault driver.

If you were involved in a hit-and-run accident, it’s important to speak to an experienced attorney. Whether you’re pursuing damages from the at-fault driver’s insurance company or your own, a Premier Attorney can help you explore your legal options.

Plus, they’ll thoroughly investigate your crash, gather evidence to support your claim, and negotiate with insurance companies for a maximum settlement. You won’t have to pay any upfront legal fees. That’s because Premier attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis and only get paid if they win your case.

To get started on your claim, contact an attorney in your area and set up a free legal consultation.

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