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Does Visiting the Doctor or Hospital Help My Settlement Offer After A Car Accident?

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A car accident can result in a variety of injuries, many of which are seemingly minor. However, it’s important to get medical help, even if you feel perfectly fine. Visiting a doctor or hospital after a car accident can greatly impact your settlement offer.

Don’t worry about accumulating medical costs. A Premier Attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve, so you don’t have to pay out of your own pocket. To learn how, contact an attorney in your area for a free consultation.

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You can go to the hospital as soon as possible after a car accident. In fact, it’s best to get prompt medical attention after a crash. Injuries can worsen if left untreated. Some injuries don’t produce immediate symptoms. This is common with whiplash, muscle strains, concussions, and internal injuries.

Getting immediate medical attention helps identify and address these injuries early on. It also allows you to treat them before they create further complications. Additionally, a prompt medical evaluation and diagnosis creates a clear link between your injury and the collision you were involved in.

Do I have a case if I didn’t go to the doctor or hospital?

It’s recommended that you go to the doctor or hospital after a car accident to build a viable claim. You’ll need to prove that your injuries are directly related to the car accident you were involved in. If you don’t get medical attention or if you delay it, proving your injury will be difficult.

Insurance companies often dispute injuries. They may argue that your injury is unrelated to your car accident. Or they may claim that your injuries are overexaggerated. As a result, you may not be able to recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering. 
That’s why seeking prompt medical attention lends credibility to your claim and shows that you took the necessary steps to address your injuries.

Completing your medical treatment allows for a full assessment of your injuries. By waiting until your treatment is complete, you ensure that all injuries are accounted for in your claim.

Finalizing your claim before your treatment is complete could mean that you might not be fully compensated for your medical expenses. If your treatment is ongoing, there could be additional costs that have not yet been incurred.

Does surgery increase your claim after a car accident?

Undergoing surgery can increase the value of your claim after a car accident. When you have surgery, it usually indicates a more severe injury, leading to higher medical expenses, longer recovery times, and potentially greater pain and suffering.

These factors contribute to a larger claim because they reflect increased financial and emotional costs. Insurers and courts often view surgery as concrete evidence of the seriousness of your injuries. This justifies a higher compensation amount for your damages.

What medical documentation do I need to strengthen my car accident claim?

To strengthen your claim after a car accident, you’ll need to keep key medical documents. These include:

  • Records of hospital visits and doctor’s appointments.
  • Doctor notes and recommendations.
  • X-rays, MRIs, or other imaging scans.
  • Medication prescriptions.
  • Bills and receipts.
  • A log of physical therapy or rehabilitation appointments.
  • Proof of lost wages, such as pay stubs or a letter from your employer.

Your settlement depends on the extent of your injuries, medical treatment, and other damages related to your crash. More severe injuries often result in higher settlements. The only way to determine how much money you can expect is to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer.

They can tally up your medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage to determine how much you’ll need in reimbursement. Additionally, an attorney will factor in pain and suffering and other similar non-economic damages.

If another driver’s negligence resulted in your crash, their insurance company would typically pay for your medical expenses and other damages. However, there are some cases when you may need to pursue damages from your own insurance company.

For example, if you’re in a no-fault state, you’ll likely recover damages from your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance, up to the policy limit. If your damages exceed the policy limit, then you can pursue compensation from the other driver’s insurance company.

If you’re involved in a crash with a driver who doesn’t have insurance, you may need to recover damages through your uninsured motorist (UM) coverage. Many states require all drivers to have UM coverage. However, it’s an optional add on in some states. Even in states where UM is optional, it’s best to have it, so you don’t have to pay out-of-pocket.

You can also use MedPay if you live in a state that offers it. MedPay is mandatory for drivers in Maine and New Hampshire. However, it’s optional in many other states. This type of coverage pays for your medical expenses in the event of a crash. MedPay policies come with set limits, which typically range from $1,000 to $25,000 per incident. Some insurers may offer higher limits.

There’s too much at stake to handle your car accident claim alone. When you hire a Premier Attorney to handle your case, the insurance companies can’t take advantage of you. An attorney will gather the necessary evidence to strengthen your claim, determine how much money you’re eligible for, and fight to recover every dollar owed to you.

Best of all, you don’t have to pay any upfront lawyer fees. Our verified attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay if they win your case. To find out how an attorney near you can help, contact us to schedule your free consultation.

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