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How Car Accident Compensation Works in Missouri

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Nobody expects to be involved in a car accident. But it only takes one negligent driver to cause a collision that leaves you injured. Suddenly, you need to go to the hospital. Medical expenses for treating your injuries can add up quickly. But you may not be able to work because you’re hurt, resulting in a loss of income. This can lead to a period of financial stress. Many people aren’t sure what to do next. 

You deserve financial compensation for what happened, but that can be complicated and frustrating process. Insurance companies are not on your side and they have the advantage. That’s why you need an experienced Missouri car accident lawyer who can guide you through the car accident claim process.

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All drivers in the state are required to have car insurance with policies that meet minimum liability requirements. These requirements include:

  • $25,000 for bodily injury per person
  • $50,000 for bodily injury per accident
  • $25,000 for property damage per accident.

All drivers are also required to carry uninsured motorist coverage with minimum liability limits of $25,000 for bodily injury per person and $50,000 for bodily injury per accident. This applies if you are hurt in an accident caused by a driver who does not have insurance, or does not have enough insurance to cover your damages. It also applies to hit-and-run accidents.

It is recommended that drivers carry policies that have higher liability limits, and the damages suffered in a car accident can be very substantial. 

There are also optional types of coverage available that can provide further protection. These include: 

  • Medical payments (MedPay) – This can help pay for medical expenses for you and any passengers who were injured in an accident. 
  • Collision – This can help pay for damage to your car resulting from a collision with another vehicle or object.
  • Comprehensive – This can help pay for damage to your vehicle that is caused by other events, such as theft, fire, natural disasters, or vandalism.

Missouri is a fault state. That means that the driver who caused the accident is considered responsible for paying damages. For example, a driver may have been engaging in negligent behavior that leads to a crash – like speeding, recklessly changing lanes, ignoring traffic signals, or texting behind the wheel. 

But recovering financial compensation is far from a simple process. Negligent drivers often deny doing anything wrong after an accident and refuse to accept responsibility. This can put you in the position of having to prove that a negligent driver caused the crash that left you hurt. The insurance company may also dispute your car accident injury claim. 

The value of a car accident claim depends on several factors, including the severity of the damages and injuries, the amount of insurance coverage, and the specific circumstances of each case. There is no set amount that can be determined in advance, as each car accident injury claim is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. 

In general, you can seek compensation for all current and future medical expenses related to your injuries, lost wages if you can’t work, and other damages such as pain and suffering.

A personal injury lawyer with experience handling car accident cases in Missouri can help you determine the potential value of your claim and determine the most effective legal strategy for pursuing compensation.

If the insurance company won’t agree to a resolution of your claim that meets your needs, you may need to file a lawsuit. An attorney can discuss your options with you. 

The main goal of insurance companies after an accident is to process your claim while keeping any payments to a minimum. To accomplish this, they will use many different strategies. One is to question the extent of your injuries and the need for certain types of treatment. They may also seek access to your medical history so they can argue that your injuries were pre-existing and they are not liable for payment. 

One of the most common strategies used by insurance companies is to make a settlement offer soon after the accident. It can be tempting to accept this offer as medical expenses start to increase. But the offer will fall far short of covering the total damages suffered in the crash. 

The insurance company may also try to argue that you were at least partially to blame for what happened. If successful, this strategy can benefit them financially. Under Missouri’s modified comparative negligence system, a person is barred from recovering compensation if found to be at least 50% at fault. 

And if a person is found to be less than 50% at fault, their total recovery amount may be reduced. For example, if a jury awards you $100,000 for damages suffered in an accident, but finds you to be 30% at fault, your total compensation would be $70,000. 

An experienced attorney can help you recover the compensation you deserve.  

A lawyer will be familiar with Missouri law and can build a strong case for compensation that gets the attention of insurance companies. Your attorney can guide you through the process every step of the way. This involves: 

  • Launching an independent investigation of your accident
  • Gathering evidence, including any video of your crash taken by nearby traffic or security cameras
  • Carefully reviewing accident reports, medical records, and other relevant information
  • Identifying and interviewing witnesses
  • Consulting accident reconstruction experts and other specialists as needed
  • Determining the total damages you suffered in the crash
  • Demanding appropriate financial compensation
  • Handling all communications with the insurance company
  • Negotiating a settlement that meets your needs
  • Drafting and filing the paperwork needed for a lawsuit
  • Taking your case to court if necessary.

In Missouri, the statute of limitations for taking legal action after a car accident is five years. However, it’s important to get legal advice as soon as possible following a crash. Important evidence can be lost or destroyed over time, and witnesses may forget details about what they saw. The sooner you can started, the better.

If you were hurt in a collision, talk to an experienced Missouri car accident lawyer. You can learn more about your legal options and get answers to any questions you have during a free consultation. 

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