Like other car accidents, you will need to contact your insurance company after your rear-end collision. Whether or not your state has at-fault car insurance or no-fault car insurance, the process begins by contacting your insurance company and filing an accident claim.
If the other driver’s insurance company does contact you after your rear-end collision, don’t talk to them. Even if their questions sound simple or straightforward, don’t trust them. Often, they’re simply fishing for information they can use to reduce or deny your injury claim.
Filing a rear-end insurance claim with insurance
In order to receive financial compensation for your rear-end collision, you will need to contact your insurance company and file a claim. The insurance company will either approve or deny your accident claim. If they approve your claim (request for compensation), their decision will likely include a settlement offer. This is the amount of money they are willing to pay to resolve your accident claim.
Many times, settlement offers are far less than the actual amount of all your accident-related expenses added together. This is what’s informally known as a lowball settlement offer. Often, insurance companies make lowball offers after a rear-end accident. That’s because they’re hoping you’ll simply accept their offer and go away. Fortunately, you can (and should) ask for more money. You can read more about this below.