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Commercial Vehicle Car Accident Lawyers

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After a commercial vehicle car accident, call a Premier Attorney 

Know your rights with the right truck accident lawyer on your side.

Commercial vehicle accidents include any type of collision involving a motor vehicle that belongs to a business or provides a paid service. Commercial motor vehicles, or CMVs, include many large trucks like semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, box trucks, tractor-trailer trucks, garbage trucks, construction vehicles, and tankers among other types of big rigs. Delivery vans carrying things like furniture, car parts, groceries, or Amazon packages as well as some passenger vehicles are commercial vehicles, too. 

Getting compensation after a car accident is often a complicated process, but when a commercial motor vehicle is involved, the situation becomes even more difficult. There are often multiple parties who may be liable for the accident. Depending on circumstances, this may include the truck driver, trucking company, and/or a defective truck parts manufacturer.

If you were injured or a loved one was killed in a commercial vehicle accident, you must take fast action to protect your health and rights. Commercial vehicle accident attorneys with track records of success understand the unique circumstances and laws that apply to CMV wrecks. Contact a trusted truck accident attorney in your area to schedule a free case consultation for more information about compensation options and how the law and statute of limitations apply to your case.

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There are a lot of factors that make truck accidents more complex than car accidents, here are a few of the most significant:

  • Size. Commercial vehicles are typically larger and carry heavy loads. A large truck can weigh up to 80,000 lbs, and even smaller commercial vehicles are still several times larger than passenger cars. The sheer size of the truck magnifies the intensity of a crash and the resulting injuries.
  • Parties involved. A commercial vehicle has many stakeholders who may be liable when an accident happens.
  • Out-of-state. Trucking companies send vehicles all over the country. When the liable party is in another state or country, there are additional barriers to collecting evidence.

A skilled commercial vehicle accident attorney can conduct a thorough crash investigation to get to the bottom of what happened. They know how to get important evidence to support their clients – even when the other side isn’t cooperating – and hold liable parties accountable.

Commercial vehicle accident causes

Commercial vehicle accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including vehicle malfunctions and reckless driving. Additionally, inadequate training and lack of proper maintenance can contribute to these types of accidents. Some of the most common types of CMV accidents involve:

  • Negligence, failure to check blind spots.
  • Driver fatigue.
  • Aggressive driving, road rage, tailgating.
  • Wide turns.
  • Equipment failure, poor vehicle maintenance, tire blowouts, brake malfunction.
  • Overloaded truck, cargo shift.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, DUI, DWI.
  • Speeding encouraged by pressure to meet deadlines.
  • Inexperience, unfamiliarity with the route, lack of training.

Any of these deficiencies could cause a serious accident like a T-bone, blind spot wreck, rollover, jackknife, rear-end accident, head-on collision, or underride.

Typically, to collect truck accident injury compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages, a victim or their family must file an insurance claim. The claim outlines their losses and makes a demand for financial compensation. Insurance companies will use any excuse to deny a claim or reduce a settlement, which is why victims are forced to fight hard for what they deserve. An experienced commercial truck accident lawyer can file effective legal documents and negotiate aggressively for maximum compensation. If a substantial settlement cannot be negotiated, a knowledgeable attorney can file a lawsuit that demands results.

In general, truck accident settlements are high due to the cost of intensive medical treatment and long-term effects. Such a settlement can range from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some CMV accidents result in million-dollar recoveries. It all depends on the circumstances of the accident, injury severity, fault, available assets, and a lawyer’s skills.  Commercial vehicle accident lawyers know how to fight for a compensation package that places the highest value on their client’s health and comfort.

A commercial vehicle accident can result in just about any kind of injury, but some are more common than others. Here are some of the most frequently sustained CMV crash injuries:

  • Open and closed head wounds, Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs), concussion, brain hemorrhage.
  • Severe burns.
  • Neck injuries, whiplash, chronic back pain.
  • Paralysis.
  • Organ damage to the spleen, lungs, liver.
  • Foot, finger, leg, or arm amputation.
  • Multiple bone fractures, typically in the clavicle, face, shoulder, thigh, foot, wrist, and upper arm.

Insurance companies downplay serious injuries. At the expense of seriously injured accident victims, they deny necessary medical treatment to protect the bottom line. Never accept an offer from an insurance agent without consulting a lawyer first. If you were injured or a loved one was killed in a commercial truck accident, you need to protect your health and your rights now.

To learn more, contact an experienced commercial truck accident attorney in your area for a free consultation. They can answer your questions, estimate the value of your claim, and help you decide what to do next. Truck accident lawyers work for a contingency fee. That means there are no upfront or out-of-pocket costs for their services. And if they don’t win, you don’t pay. Contact a quality truck accident attorney to schedule a free consultation today.

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