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T-bone (Side-Impact) Truck Accident Lawyers

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T-bone truck accidents, also known as broadside or side-impact collision, occur when the front of a tractor-trailer, semi-truck, or other large vehicle crashes into the side of another vehicle, forming a "T" shape. In a T-bone truck accident, the force of the impact is often concentrated on the side of the victim's vehicle, making them particularly vulnerable to serious and life-threatening injuries. These accidents can happen when truck drivers are distracted, fatigued, or fail to yield the right of way. 

If you were injured or a loved one died in a T-bone truck accident, it's important to seek legal representation from an experienced T-bone truck accident attorney who can help you pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages. Contact a trusted truck accident lawyer in your area to schedule a free consultation today.

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Typically, to collect compensation after getting T-boned by a tractor-trailer, 18-wheeler, construction vehicle, or another type of large truck, an injured victim will file a personal injury claim. To be successful, victims must present supporting evidence. This may include photographs of the accident scene, medical records, and witness statements. Documentation of any expenses related to medical bills and lost wages will be required. Many injured truck accident victims choose to have experienced T-bone truck accident lawyers handle this and all the other work that goes along with collecting damages. Meanwhile, the injured person can focus on healing.

What is the average T-bone truck accident settlement?

There is no average settlement for a T-bone truck accident as each case is unique. Settlement amounts vary widely depending on a variety of factors like injury severity, medical treatment, length of recovery time, and the impact on quality of life, among others.

Because T-bone truck accidents frequently cause severe and fatal injuries, a settlement could be in the range of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some side-impact truck accidents result in million-dollar recoveries. An experienced T-bone accident lawyer knows how to effectively demand compensation packages that put the highest value on their clients’ medical care and comfort.

While injured truck accident victims have a right to collect economic damages by filing a lawsuit, they may not need to do so. Many T-bone truck accident claims are settled without going to court. However, there are situations when a lawsuit should be considered:

  • Negotiations break down. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement or denies the claim altogether.
  • Damages exceed limits. Injuries sustained in the accident are severe and require ongoing medical treatment, resulting in significant medical bills and lost wages that exceed available policy limits.
  • Wrongful death. Each state has its own laws about who can file a wrongful death lawsuit and when. Victims should consult a knowledgeable wrongful death truck accident lawyer in their state for an explanation of the statute of limitations and other laws that apply to their case.

Who is at fault in a T-bone truck accident?

In a T-bone truck accident, the vehicle that failed to yield the right of way is typically at fault. However, there can be a lot of disagreement among those involved and witnesses as to who had the right of way.

When the “truck” is at fault, identifying the parties liable for the damage the truck caused can be complex. There are typically many more people, businesses, and other entities that may be liable in a truck accident compared to a crash involving personal vehicles. Some of the parties that may be at fault in a T-bone truck accident include:

  • Trucking company.
  • Truck owner.
  • Trucker.
  • Cargo handlers.
  • Truck maintenance crew.
  • Defective truck parts manufacturers.
  • Faulty tire manufacturers (tire blowouts).

An experienced T-bone truck accident attorney knows how to prove right-of-way and other relevant points to support claims. They can investigate a truck wreck, determine who is at fault, and fight aggressively to hold them accountable.

Although T-bone accidents are severe, they occur more frequently than one might assume, often due to the involvement of a negligent party. While negligence is typically the underlying cause, specific circumstances contribute to the occurrence of these accidents. Intersections or four-way stops serve as common sites for such incidents.

Various factors can contribute to truck T-bone accidents, including:

  1. Negligent driving: Failure to yield the right of way, running red lights, or disregarding stop signs are primary causes of T-bone accidents. Truck drivers, who occasionally engage in rolling stops, are particularly prone to being involved in broadside collisions.
  2. Inclement weather: Adverse weather conditions can significantly impact driving conditions. Drivers must adapt to slippery roads and reduced visibility caused by inclement weather. Failure to adjust to these conditions can result in trucks sliding through intersections and colliding with other vehicles.
  3. Faulty braking and steering parts: Regular vehicle maintenance is crucial for road safety, especially for trucks that cover longer distances over extended periods. Proper maintenance, particularly of braking and steering systems, is essential. Accidents can occur if truck parts malfunction or if manufacturers release faulty components, causing the brakes to fail during critical maneuvers.
  4. Improper left turns: Drivers making left turns should do so only when granted the right of way, typically indicated by a green arrow or other traffic signals. Due to their larger size and slower maneuverability, trucks require more time to avoid hazards. If truckers miscalculate oncoming traffic while making left turns, they can cause sideswipe accidents.
  5. Blind intersections: Poor visibility at intersections, lacking clear signage or obstructed views, can lead to confusion among drivers. This confusion may result in multiple vehicles proceeding simultaneously, increasing the risk of T-bone accidents.

Distracted driving, driver fatigue, and alcohol impairment are additional factors that can contribute to truck T-bone accidents. Any condition that impairs a driver's ability to focus on the road poses a significant risk. If a driver's negligence caused your accident, seeking legal advice is crucial to understand your rights and pursue compensation.

T-bone accidents often result in severe, life-altering injuries, and, tragically, sometimes fatalities. Victims may suffer from a range of injuries, including:

  1. Deep lacerations: The impact of a T-bone collision can cause deep lacerations that require immediate medical attention. Stitches and proper wound care are typically necessary.
  2. Broken bones: Fractures are common in various types of accidents, including T-bone collisions. Victims may require casts, surgical intervention, and physical therapy to facilitate proper healing and regain mobility.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): T-bone accidents can cause significant head trauma, resulting in TBIs. A sudden impact to the head, whether from striking the window, dashboard, or other objects, can lead to cognitive impairments that persist for an extended period or indefinitely.
  4. Crush injuries: If a passenger vehicle becomes trapped under a truck during a T-bone accident, victims may sustain crush injuries to their limbs. In severe cases, amputation may be necessary to save lives. Victims face the challenging task of relearning daily activities they once performed effortlessly.
  5. Spinal cord injuries: Extreme trauma to the spinal cord in a T-bone accident can result in partial or complete paralysis. The extent of paralysis depends on the location and severity of the spinal cord injury. These injuries often require extensive medical care and long-term rehabilitation.
  6. Neck and back injuries: The forceful impact of a T-bone collision can lead to severe neck and back injuries, such as herniated discs or fractures. These injuries may cause chronic pain and require ongoing medical treatment, including physical therapy and medication.

Recovery periods for these injuries can vary significantly, ranging from months to years. Some injuries may result in permanent disabilities. Treatment typically involves hospitalizations, therapy, medication, and specialist consultations. Seeking legal representation is essential to pursue a claim for compensation covering medical expenses and related treatments.

If you have been injured or a loved one died in a T-bone truck accident, you deserve to be compensated for your losses and pain. Don't let the stress of navigating the legal system prevent you from getting the money and justice you deserve. An experienced T-bone truck accident attorney can help you through the process and handle all the legal work so you can focus on your recovery. They will work to build a strong case on your behalf, negotiate with insurance companies, and fight for your rights in court if necessary. With their help, you can increase your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages. Most truck accident lawyers work on contingency, which means there are no upfront costs and if they don’t win, you don’t pay. Contact an experienced T-bone truck accident attorney today to schedule a free consultation.

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