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Numbness and Tingling After a Car Accident

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Numbness and tingling after a car accident

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From minor fender benders to highway catastrophes, car accidents can result in a variety of injuries. One of the most serious consequences of crash-related injuries is nerve damage. The signs and symptoms of nerve damage should never be ignored.

If you’re suffering from numbness and tingling after a car accident, speak to a Premier Attorney. They can help you understand your legal rights and options. Plus, they can fight to maximize your compensation through a personal injury claim. Learn more by scheduling a free consultation with an attorney near you.

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Nerve damage from car accidents can range from mild to severe. It can affect different parts of the body depending on the nature of the injury. Common types include:

  • Neuropraxia: This is the least severe type of nerve injury. It often causes temporary numbness or tingling.
  • Axonotmesis: This involves more serious damage to the nerve fibers, potentially leading to longer-term issues.
  • Neurotmesis: This is the most severe type of nerve injury. It involves a complete tear or rupture of the nerve.

What are the symptoms of nerve damage caused by a car accident?

The following symptoms indicate that you’ve sustained nerve damage after a car accident:

  • Numbness and tingling: This is often one of the first signs. It typically happens in the hands, arms, legs, or feet.
  • Weakness: Nerve damage can cause difficulty in moving the affected limb or area.
  • Pain: You may experience sharp, burning, or radiating pain along the nerve path.
  • Sensitivity: Nerve injuries can result in changes in sensitivity to temperature or touch.

If you notice any numbness and tingling after a car accident, it’s crucial to get immediate medical attention. A doctor can assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate treatment. Plus, they can provide you with an official diagnosis and help you explore your treatment options. 

Your treatment may include: 

  • Medication: Various medications can be prescribed to manage symptoms of nerve damage. These may include over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers.
  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help improve strength and flexibility in the affected areas, reduce pain, and improve function. A physical therapist can design a personalized exercise program to help recover nerve function.
  • Occupational therapy: If your nerve damage affects daily activities, occupational therapy can help you learn new ways to perform tasks and improve independence.
  • Electrical stimulation: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation uses low-voltage electrical current to relieve pain.
  • Surgery: In cases of severe nerve damage, surgery might be necessary to repair damaged nerves.
  • Alternative therapies: Acupuncture, massage, or biofeedback can help provide relief for nerve damage. These therapies help manage pain and improve nerve function.

How long does it take to recover from numbness and tingling after a car accident?

Recovery time varies based on the severity of the injury. While some people recover within weeks or months, others may face a longer journey involving physical therapy and ongoing medical care.

For less severe nerve injuries, such as mild nerve compression or stretch injuries, recovery can be relatively quick. You might see an improvement within a few days to a few weeks. In some cases, full recovery can be expected in a few months.

More significant nerve damage, such as injuries causing nerve disruption or more severe compression, can take longer to heal. Recovery in these cases can range from several months to a year or more. In some instances, complete recovery may not be possible, and you might experience long-term or permanent symptoms.

In order to seek compensation for nerve damage or numbness and tingling after a car accident, there are certain actions you’ll need to take. First, make sure you get medical attention to address the injury and create a link to the collision you were involved in. 

To file a claim, you’ll also need to report the car accident to your insurance company. Only provide basic information about the crash, such as the date and time, location, parties involved, and any injuries. 

Next, document the details about your car accident and crash-related injuries. Be sure to take pictures of the crash scene, exchange insurance and contact information with other parties involved, and get contact information and statements from witnesses. 

Also, keep track of all medical bills and receipts, appointment attendance logs, pay stubs, and vehicle repair costs or estimates. This information can help your attorney accurately determine how much money you’re eligible for.

What are my rights when seeking compensation for nerve damage?

You have several rights to be aware of when pursuing a car accident claim. For example, you have the right not to be pressured by insurance companies to settle quickly or for less than you deserve. In fact, you don’t even have to speak to the other driver’s insurance company at all.

You also have the right to hire an attorney to represent you in all aspects of your car accident claim. That includes negotiations with insurance companies and legal proceedings, if necessary. If a settlement can be reached with the insurance company, you have the right to take your case to trial. Your attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf and fight for a fair court award.

Initially, there is no way to determine the value of your nerve injury claim. An attorney will need to accurately add up your damages to determine how much money you’re owed. The factors that will affect your compensation include: 

  • Your current and future medical expenses.
  • Lost wages and future earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering linked to your nerve injury.
  • Vehicle and property damage.

Liability will also play a role in your compensation. For example, if you’re in a state that uses the pure comparative negligence rule, you can seek compensation, even if you’re more than 50% at fault. However, your compensation would be reduced by your percentage of fault.

The same concept works in states with the modified comparative negligence rule. However, these states have a limit of 50% or 51% at fault. That means you won’t be able to seek compensation from the other driver’s insurance company if your level of fault is 50% or 51%.

If you’re suffering from numbness and tingling after a car accident, it’s important to get an experienced attorney on your side. Insurance companies may use tactics to reduce their costs. That includes shifting the blame onto you or arguing that your nerve injury is unrelated to your collision. 

A Premier Lawyer will gather all the necessary evidence to link your nerve injury to your car accident. Plus, they’ll fight to recover every dollar you’re eligible for in compensation. It doesn’t cost any upfront money to hire a Premier Lawyer. They work on a contingency fee basis and only collect a percentage of your settlement or court award if they win your case.

To get started on your claim, contact a Premier Lawyer near you and set up your free legal consultation.

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