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Should My Children Go To the ER After A Minor Car Accident?

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In the unsettling aftermath of a car accident, even a minor one, parents face the possibility of taking their children to the ER. This can be a scary situation, especially if your child sustained a serious injury. On top of that, dealing with a car accident claim can be a drawn-out and exhausting process. Premier Attorneys are here to help. Our verified lawyers understand the difficulty you’re going through and are committed to helping you get the justice and compensation you deserve. To learn how, contact an attorney near you for a free consultation.

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A minor car accident may result in minimal vehicle damage and no immediately obvious severe injuries to vehicle occupants. However, the term 'minor' can be misleading. The adrenaline rush during an accident can mask pain and injuries, which might become apparent only hours or days later.

How do hidden injuries affect children?

Children may not be able to articulate their discomfort or the extent of their injuries accurately. They might have injuries that are not immediately visible. Also, children's bodies are different from adults. They are more susceptible to certain injuries due to their size, lower seat belt placement, and the fact that their bodies are still developing.

The types of injuries that can have delayed symptoms include:

  • Whiplash: Whiplash is a common injury in car accidents, caused by the rapid back-and-forth movement of the head. Children who sustain whiplash can develop neck pain, stiffness, and headaches over time.
  • Concussion: Children may not show immediate signs of a concussion. However, they could later develop headaches, confusion, dizziness, or difficulty concentrating.
  • Abdominal injuries: Internal injuries, particularly to the abdomen, can be serious. Delayed symptoms can include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or bruising. These injuries can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons may not be immediately evident. Over time, they can lead to pain, swelling, and reduced mobility.

It’s always best to get your child immediate medical attention after a car accident, even if they don’t seem injured. Your child should especially go to the ER if they’re experiencing: 

  • Signs of a head injury: If your child has hit their head, or if they show any signs of a concussion (such as confusion, vomiting, headache, or dizziness), it's critical to go to the ER immediately.
  • Behavioral changes: Look for any changes in behavior. Are they more sleepy than usual? Are they crying more, or are they unusually irritable? These could be signs of distress or injury.
  • Physical symptoms: Pain, discomfort, difficulty breathing, or visible injuries are clear indicators that a trip to the ER is necessary.

What are the benefits of going to the ER or doctor?

Going to the ER promptly ensures early diagnosis and treatment of any injuries. This can prevent complications and promote quicker recovery. An ER visit also provides official documentation of your child’s injury and health status.

Medical records from the ER can serve as vital evidence in a car accident. They provide a documented link between your child’s injury and the car accident. This is crucial for quantifying damages in a claim, such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, long-term care, and the need for educational accommodations.

Can I take my child to a pediatrician after a car accident?

If your child seems fine after a minor accident, you might consider visiting your pediatrician instead of the ER. Pediatricians who know your child's medical history can provide a thorough examination and advise if further treatment is needed. This visit can be less stressful than a trip to the ER, but it's important not to delay medical assessment, especially if any symptoms start to appear.

Determining the average settlement for a child involved in a car accident can be challenging. Car accident settlement amounts often vary based on several factors, including: 

  • Severity of injuries. 
  • The impact on your child’s life.
  • Medical expenses. 
  • The need for long-term care and therapy.
  • Pain and suffering for the child.

An experienced car accident lawyer will need to determine how much money your child is eligible for. That will take a thorough investigation and examination of documents, medical records, and receipts. It’s important to save all bills and receipts relating to medical care, education, and property damage, so an attorney can factor them into your child’s settlement amount.

If your child sustained injuries in a crash, the at-fault party’s insurance company would typically be responsible for paying for the damages. However, insurance companies are often more concerned with keeping their costs down. That includes offering a lowball settlement to quickly close out the case. This type of settlement may only cover a small portion of your child’s damages. 

That’s why it’s important to let an experienced attorney accurately value your child’s claim and negotiate with insurance companies for full compensation. 

If you’re in a no-fault state, you could recover damages for your child through your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policy. This pays for medical expenses and other damages up to the policy limit. If your child’s damages exceed the policy limit, then you may need to pursue a 3rd party claim.

Dealing with a child injury due to a car accident can be a devastating experience. That’s why it’s important that your rights are protected, and you get the justice you deserve. A Premier Attorney will be your legal advocate from start to finish. They’ll thoroughly investigate your child’s crash and fight to hold the responsible party accountable. 

Best of all, it won’t cost you any money upfront. Our Premier Attorneys work on a contingency fee basis and only take a certain percentage of the settlement or court award once your child has been fully compensated. To get started on your child’s claim, contact an attorney in your area for a free consultation.

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