The most common types of head injuries after a motorcycle accident include:
- Concussions: Often considered a mild TBI, concussions occur when the brain is jolted inside the skull due to a sudden impact. Symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, and temporary loss of consciousness.
- Skull fractures: These occur when the impact of a motorcycle accident is strong enough to break the skull bone. They can range from simple fractures without skin breakage to compound fractures where bone pierces the skin.
- Contusions: These are bruises on the brain caused by the impact of a motorcycle accident. They can lead to swelling and increased intracranial pressure, which can be life-threatening.
- Coup-contrecoup injuries: These occur when the force of a collision causes the brain to strike the opposite side of the skull. This leads to bruises at both the site of impact and on the opposite side of the brain.
- Diffuse axonal injury (DAI): This type of injury happens when the violent motion of the head stretches and tears the brain's nerve fibers. It can result in widespread brain damage and loss of function.
- Penetrating injuries: These injuries occur when an object, such as a piece of shattered helmet or metal, penetrates the skull and enters the brain tissue.