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Top California Truck Accident Attorneys

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What you need to know about California truck accident fault, claims, and settlements 

Large truck accidents frequently result in severe injuries that require expensive and intensive medical treatment. Injured victims of collisions with big trucks, like cargo tankers, flatbeds, semi-trucks, and construction vehicles, are left with serious pain and significant financial obligations. Unfortunately, many California truck accident victims have their claims denied or are offered settlements far below what they need or deserve.

Following a truck accident, injured victims should take fast action to protect their health and their right to financial compensation by contacting an experienced lawyer for a free consultation. A knowledgeable California truck accident attorney can explain the law and assist accident victims in deciding what steps to take next.

Read more about how an California truck accident lawyer can help:

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Top firms must pass our verified criteria:
Serving and admitted to practice law in all courts in California.
Earned recognition from their peers for high-quality legal work.
Extensive experience and a winning track record in truck accident cases.
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Clancy & Diaz, LLP

Clancy & Diaz, LLP is situated at 3000 Citrus Circle, Suite 215, Walnut Creek, CA 94598. They extend a helping hand through free consultations and provide bilingual services for accessibility. With a track record of notable settlements and verdicts, including figures like $3 million, $2.6 million, $1.4 million, and $1.3 million, their commitment to securing justice is evident. Their reputation as an award-winning firm, including Top 100 Trial Lawyers, highlights their ability to serve clients in need of assistance after truck accidents.

Donald S. Fair Attorney at Law

Donald S. Fair Attorney at Law is located at 222 N Mountain Ave Ste. 109, Upland, CA 91786. They provide online appointments and offer bilingual services, ensuring accessibility. Founded in 1991, the firm has years of valuable experience in representing clients injured in truck accidents. Clients can benefit from their "no fees unless we win" policy, providing peace of mind during challenging times.

Maison Law

Maison Law, an acclaimed legal firm, has a location at 525 W. Main St. Suite B-1033, Visalia, CA 93291, with additional California locations. The presence of bilingual attorneys on their team and their no-fee unless they win guarantee, underscores their dedication to making legal support inclusive. Their illustrious track record boasts significant settlements and verdicts, including a $3.75 million resolution for wrongful death, $185,000 for a slip and fall case, and $100,000 for a traffic collision. Maison Law's round-the-clock availability and complimentary consultations ensure that individuals affected by accidents can access expert legal counsel when they need it.

The Law Offices of Ronald B. Laba

The Law Offices of Ronald B. Laba is located at 217 Civic Center Dr #7, Vista, CA 92084. Their commitment to clients is reflected in their round-the-clock availability and a remarkable track record of recovering over $100 million for injured clients. They have earned recognition on major networks like CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, and more, further underscoring their expertise. With over 30 years of experience serving California, the Law Offices of Ronald B. Laba is a trusted ally for those dealing with truck accident injuries.

The Ryan Law Group

The Ryan Law Group is located 445 S Figueroa Street #3100 Los Angeles, CA 90744, along with other locations across the state in Manhattan Beach, Fresno, San Diego, San Francisco, Bakersfield, and Riverside. This firm has an impressive success rate, securing favorable outcomes for their clients. Notable settlement and verdict amounts, including $15 million, $3.85 million, $2.37 million, and numerous others exceeding $1 million, underscore their proficiency in handling personal injury cases.

The Swanson Law Group

The Swanson Law Group, with a central office situated at 1798 Technology Dr #202, San Jose, CA 95110, has several other locations across California. Their commitment to client satisfaction is exemplified by their round-the-clock availability and proficiency in serving bilingual clients. The Swanson Law Group boasts an impressive track record, characterized by significant verdicts and settlements, including a remarkable $8.87 million for a semi-truck accident case, $5 million for a vehicle accident, $4.4 million for a neck injury, and $3.6 million for a wrongful death, showcasing their dedication to achieving favorable outcomes for those they represent.

Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys, LLP

Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys, LLP, located at 1301 Dove St STE 120, Newport Beach, CA 92660, is committed to client convenience, offering online appointments and a bilingual team to serve their clientele. They also provide free consultations. This award-winning firm has consistently ranked in the top 1% of personal injury law firms for decades, showcasing their dedication to excellence. Their outstanding track record includes recovering over $800 million for injured plaintiffs, making them a trusted choice for those seeking legal representation after a truck accident.

Demas Law Group, P.C.

Demas Law Group, P.C. is located at 701 Howe Ave suite a-1, Sacramento, CA 95825. With a commitment to client convenience, they offer around-the-clock service, online appointments, and a bilingual team. Notably, they have secured impressive settlements and verdicts, including $9.8 million, $9.4 million, $6.4 million, and $5.3 million, demonstrating their expertise in handling cases.

There are many reasons a tractor-trailer, flatbed, or other type of large truck could cause a bad accident. Truck accidents often involve:

An experienced California truck accident attorney can identify the cause of a crash and file documents to protect evidence - like surveillance video and black box records - before it is routinely destroyed.

Where do truck accidents happen in California?

Truck accidents can happen anywhere – on rural back roads, highways, neighborhood streets, and shores, for example. However, some locations experience more crashes than others. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data, multiple fatal truck accidents have occurred at these and other spots in California:

  • Los Angeles – I-5, 16th St, Washington Blvd
  • Corona – I-10, San Bernadino Fwy
  • San Diego – I-15
  • Bakersfield – CA-178, CA-99
  • Sacramento – I-5, I-80, US-50, CA-99

How are truck accidents different from passenger vehicle crashes?

Car accidents and truck accidents may seem similar but for crash victims seeking financial compensation, there are significant differences.

  • The size of large trucks increases injury severity and risk of a fatal accident.
  • Different federal and state laws apply to the trucking industry affecting liability.
  • Multiple parties may be at fault in a single truck accident.

Truck accident attorneys in California understand the unique situation, evidence, and legal standards that apply to truck accidents. They understand the strategies required to investigate out-of-state companies and collect records from the liable companies and drivers.

After a truck accident, multiple investigations are conducted to determine fault – and each one can have different results. Investigators include the responding police officer and lawyers or other representatives for each party involved. California is a pure comparative fault state, which means a person may file a claim for injury compensation even if they are 99 percent at fault in a crash.

In general, the ones who are at fault in a crash are also the ones liable to pay for victims’ damages. After a truck accident, liable parties may include:

  • Trucker
  • Truck owner
  • Trucking company (employer)
  • Cargo owner
  • Cargo loaders
  • Maintenance crews
  • Defective truck parts manufacturers.

What is a good truck accident settlement in California?

Settlements, verdicts, and decisions that favor truck accident victims can average anywhere from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some even result in multi-million-dollar payouts. It all depends on the circumstances of the case. Factors that typically determine truck accident compensation include injury type and severity. In general, the more severe the injury, the more compensation a person collects. Truck accidents typically result in severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), fractured bones, burns, head injuries, spinal cord damage, amputation, and whiplash among other injuries. Fault is another big factor in crash compensation. Injured California truck accident victims may be entitled to collect compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Long-term rehabilitation and disability equipment
  • Lost wages and diminished future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering.

An experienced California truck accident attorney can calculate a compensation package that places the highest value on their client's health and comfort. Then they can aggressively fight for maximum compensation.  To get an estimate of how much an individual claim is worth, a crash victim can contact a lawyer for a free case consultation.

With few exceptions, California has a two-year statute of limitations of truck accident and wrongful death lawsuits. Any action taken after the two-year limit will more than likely be dismissed. Two years may seem like a long time, but your lawyer needs to get started collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and finding the liable parties right away to protect important documents and build the best case for maximum compensation.

What federal and state laws apply to California truck accidents?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) as well as state laws create trucking industry regulations. After a California truck accident, the following laws may apply:

  • Hours of Service (HOS)
  • Black box
  • Employee standards
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • CARB truck ban. In 2023, the California Air Resources Board’s ban on large truck engines made before 2010 went into full effect.
  • Cargo laws. State regulations that seek to stop cargo shift and liquid container collapse.
  • 55 mph speed limit. In general, trucks cannot drive over 55 mph in California. They must also use designated slow-moving-vehicle or truck-only lanes when available.
  • Route restrictions. California also enforces special route restrictions for the heaviest trucks.

When you are involved in a truck accident, the insurance companies and trucking companies may try to avoid liability and deny your claim. An experienced California truck accident lawyer can help level the playing field by investigating your accident and gathering evidence. Studies show that, on average, people who consult lawyers collect more in damages than those who do not. This is true even after the attorney’s fee is paid. In California, truck accident attorneys typically work for a contingency fee. That means there are no upfront costs or out-of-pocket expenses for their service. And if they don’t win, you don’t pay.

Do not try to take on the insurance company and trucking industry alone. Contact a California truck accident lawyer with a track record of success and schedule your free case consultation today.

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