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T-Bone Intersection Accidents

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While intersections help regulate traffic, they’re often prone to T-bone car accidents (side-impact collisions). This happens when one vehicle crashes into the side of another vehicle. Most T-bone intersection accidents are caused by driver error and often result in serious injuries and deaths.

If you’ve been T-boned at an intersection, it’s important that you understand your rights and take legal action. A Premier T-Bone Accident Lawyer can help you get justice and maximize your compensation. To learn how, speak to an attorney near you and schedule a free consultation.

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Unlike the front and rear of a car, which have substantial crumple zones designed to absorb impact, the sides of a vehicle offer less protection. The doors and side panels provide relatively little buffer between the occupants and the colliding vehicle, leading to more direct force on vehicle occupants.

Additionally, seat belts and front airbags are less effective in side impacts compared to front or rear collisions. While side airbags exist, they may not always be as effective in preventing injuries due to the limited space between the occupant and the point of impact.

T-bone accidents at intersections are often the result of specific driving errors or situational factors. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Negligent left turns: This is a leading cause of T-bone accidents. A driver making a left turn may misjudge the speed or distance of an oncoming vehicle, or they might turn despite an obstructed view. 
  • Running red lights or stop signs: Drivers who run red lights or stop signs can collide with vehicles legally proceeding through the intersection. This type of reckless driving is a significant cause of side-impact collisions.
  • Distracted driving: Distractions such as texting, using a phone, eating, or adjusting the radio can cause a driver to miss traffic signals or not see other vehicles, leading to T-bone accidents.
  • Speeding: Exceeding speed limits or driving too fast for conditions can lead to a driver losing control or being unable to stop in time at an intersection.
  • Failure to yield the right of way: Drivers who fail to yield the right of way at an intersection, especially when making turns, are at a high risk of causing a broadside collision.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs judgment and reaction time, increasing the likelihood of misjudging distances or failing to observe traffic signals.

Here are some common injuries associated with T-bone accidents:

  • Head injuries: These can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries. The side impact can cause the head to jerk abruptly or hit the window or door, leading to these injuries.
  • Neck injuries: Whiplash is common in T-bone accidents due to the sudden side-to-side motion. This can cause strain or sprain in the neck muscles and ligaments.
  • Chest injuries: The impact can cause the chest area to hit the steering wheel, dashboard, or side doors. This can lead to broken ribs, internal bleeding, or damage to internal organs.
  • Abdominal injuries: Similar to chest injuries, the abdomen can suffer from blunt trauma in a T-bone collision, leading to injuries like internal bleeding or organ damage.
  • Pelvic injuries: The pelvis may be impacted directly in a side collision, leading to fractures or dislocations.
  • Spinal cord injuries: The force of a T-bone accident can cause damage to the spine, potentially leading to herniated discs, fractures, or, in severe cases, paralysis.
  • Limb injuries: The arms and legs can be injured by the impact, especially if the collision crushes the side of the vehicle. This can result in fractures, sprains, and lacerations.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Muscles, tendons, and ligaments can be stretched or torn during a collision, causing sprains and strains.

The average settlement for a T-bone accident ranges from $10,000 to $25,000. However, your settlement could be much higher. Determining the worth of a T-bone accident settlement depends on various factors, making it challenging to provide a specific figure without detailed information about the incident.

More serious injuries generally lead to higher settlements. This includes long-term or permanent disabilities, significant pain and suffering, and extensive medical treatment.

You’ll need to consult with an attorney who can accurately value your claim. That includes factoring in medical expenses, lost wages, earning capacity, pain and suffering, and property damages.

When you hire an attorney to handle your T-bone accident claim, they’ll be your legal advocate from start to finish. An attorney will inform you of your rights, legal options, and actions you should take throughout your claim. 

They’ll also conduct a thorough investigation into your crash. This includes:

  • Obtaining the police report.
  • Interviewing witnesses. 
  • Evaluating your medical records.
  • Taking pictures of the crash scene. 
  • Obtaining surveillance and dash cam video footage.
  • Consulting crash reconstruction experts.

Once your attorney has gathered enough evidence, they’ll begin negotiating with the other driver’s insurance company for a fair settlement. If a settlement can’t be reached, your attorney may file a lawsuit and take your case to trial. Here, they’ll present the evidence and a compelling argument before a judge and jury. 

Where do I find a Premier Lawyer near me?

Finding a Premier Lawyer in your area is simple. Just contact a lawyer near you and schedule your free legal consultation. An attorney will answer any questions you have regarding your claim, no matter how complex they are. 

Plus, our verified attorneys won’t charge you any fees upfront for their services. They work on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay if they successfully recover damages on your behalf.

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