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What Types of Accidents Does a Car Accident Lawyer Handle?

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Being involved in a car accident can be a devastating experience. But it’s an unfortunate reality on today’s roads. From minor fender benders to serious catastrophes, car accidents can happen in a variety of ways. No matter what type of car accident you’re injured in, you may be eligible for compensation for your damages.

A Premier Auto Injury Lawyer can fight to secure a maximum settlement on your behalf. To find out how, schedule a free consultation with an attorney in your area.

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It’s best to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after a car accident. Each state has a statute of limitations. This sets a deadline for filing a car accident claim. In most states, it’s two or three years. In others, it’s as little as one year and as much as six years. Missing this deadline can result in the dismissal of your case.

But it’s best not to wait. The sooner you contact an auto injury lawyer, the easier it will be for them to gather fresh evidence and witness statements. 

The importance of hiring a personal injury lawyer

A personal injury lawyer understands the complex nature of car accident claims. They know the state and federal laws that pertain to car accidents and can handle all the legal paperwork. Additionally, a personal injury lawyer is a strong negotiator. They know the tactics insurance companies use to keep their costs down and won’t settle for anything less than the compensation you deserve.

A personal injury lawyer also possesses strong investigative skills. They know what types of evidence to look for to prove that someone else’s negligence caused your crash. Plus, they can call on crash reconstruction experts to determine exactly how the crash likely occurred.

When filing a claim, you'll need to gather specific car accident documentation to support your case. The most common documents and information needed for a car accident claim include: 

  • The police report: This report typically includes important details about your crash, the parties involved, and any citations issued.
  • Driver information: You’ll need to exchange contact and insurance information with all drivers involved in a car accident. This includes their names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance policy details.
  • Witness information: If there were any witnesses at the crash scene, gather their contact information. Witnesses can provide valuable statements about how the crash occurred.
  • Photographs and/or videos: Take pictures or videos of the crash scene. Include vehicle damage, road conditions, traffic signals, and any visible injuries.
  • Medical records: Provide medical records and bills related to your injuries. This includes hospital records, doctor's notes, diagnostic reports, and invoices for medical treatment.
  • Repair estimates: Get vehicle repair estimates from reputable auto repair shops. Keep all documentation related to the repairs and costs.
  • Property damage documentation: Keep receipts for any personal property damaged or lost in the crash. This can include electronics or personal belongings inside the vehicle.
  • Lost wages information: If you missed work due to your injury, document the days you were absent and provide pay stubs that prove how much you typically earn.

Personal injury law can be complex, and there are several common misconceptions associated with it. It's important to dispel these myths to have a better understanding of your claim. The most common myths are: 

  • You can sue for any injury: Not all injuries lead to valid personal injury claims. You typically need to prove that someone else's negligence or intentional wrongdoing caused your injury.
  • You'll get rich from a lawsuit: While some personal injury cases result in substantial settlements or awards, it's not a guaranteed path to wealth. Compensation is meant to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages related to your car accident.
  • All personal injury cases go to trial: Most personal injury cases are settled out of court through negotiations or alternative dispute resolution methods. Trials are usually a last resort.
  • You don't need a lawyer: While you can represent yourself, it’s not recommended. Insurance companies often have legal teams to protect their interests. Hiring an experienced attorney can level the playing field.
  • You can wait to seek medical treatment: Delaying medical treatment after an injury can weaken your case. It's crucial to see a healthcare professional promptly to document your injuries and establish a connection between the crash and your condition.
  • You can file a lawsuit for any car accident: Just because you were involved in a crash doesn't necessarily mean you have a personal injury case. You need to show that the car accident resulted from someone else's negligence or intentional misconduct.
  • Insurance companies are on your side: Insurance companies are profit-driven and often aim to settle claims for as little as possible. They may downplay your injuries or use various tactics to reduce your compensation.

You can technically hire a car accident attorney if you have no insurance, but there’s no guarantee that an attorney will take your case. Plus, if you’re not driving without insurance, you can face legal consequences in most states. The only states that don’t require car insurance are Virginia and New Hampshire.

Contingency fee vs. pro bono personal injury lawyer

A contingency fee basis and pro bono may seem like the same thing, but they’re very different. Most car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that they only get paid if they successfully recover damages on your behalf.

A pro bono personal injury lawyer, on the other hand, offers their legal services for free or at a significantly reduced cost to clients who can’t afford legal representation. While a contingency fee is based on a successful outcome, pro bono is entirely charitable with an emphasis on community service.

A Premier Car Accident Lawyer will be your advocate from start to finish. They’ll listen to any questions or concerns you have during a free consultation. They’ll thoroughly investigate your crash and gather evidence and witness statements. When it’s time to negotiate, they’ll fight tirelessly to ensure that you’re fully compensated.

Don’t accept a lowball settlement offer or let the insurance companies jerk you around. Contact a Premier Auto Injury Attorney near you and schedule a free consultation.

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