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Wrist Pain After A Car Accident

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Experiencing pain in the wrist due to a collision? Talk to a lawyer today!

A Premier Attorney with experience in wrist injuries can help you recover financial compensation!

If you’re experiencing pain in the wrist after a collision, there’s a good chance you sustained an injury that requires medical attention. Dealing with wrist pain after a car accident can be devastating. You may need to take time off from work while the medical bills pile up.

The good news is that you may entitled to compensation for your injuries. A Premier Attorney can help maximize your compensation, so you can focus on your recovery. To get started on your claim, contact a lawyer in your area for a free consultation.

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The forces involved in a car collision, even at relatively low speeds, can be sufficient to injure the wrist. Here are some common ways wrist injuries can occur in a car accident:

  • Bracing for impact: Instinctively, drivers and passengers often brace themselves against the steering wheel, dashboard, or seat in front of them during a collision. This action can place significant strain on the wrists.
  • Direct impact: The wrist can be injured by direct impact with parts of the car’s interior, such as the dashboard, door, or window.
  • Airbag deployment: Airbags deploy with considerable force and speed, which can cause wrist injuries, especially if the hands are close to the airbag when it inflates.
  • Twisting or jerking motions: The sudden, violent motions of a car crash can cause the wrist to twist or jerk unnaturally, leading to sprains, strains, or even fractures.
  • Secondary impact: Items inside the car, like mobile phones or purses, can become airborne during a crash and strike the wrist, causing injury.
  • Roll-over accidents: In roll-over accidents, the hands and wrists can be injured while trying to protect the head or during ejection from the vehicle.
  • Crush injuries: In severe collisions, especially in smaller vehicles, the car's structure can crumple, potentially leading to crush injuries of the wrist.

Car accidents can cause various types of wrist injuries, each with its own set of symptoms and severity. Here are some common wrist injuries from car accidents:

  • Ulnar wrist pain: Pain on the side of the wrist opposite the thumb (ulnar side) can suggest an ulnar fracture, triangular fibrocartilage complex injury, or ulnar impaction syndrome.
  • Hand injury: Injuries to the hand and wrist often occur together in car accidents due to bracing against impact. This can include fractures, soft tissue injuries, and ligament tears.
  • Broken/strained/fractured wrist: This can range from small wrist fractures to more severe breaks that require surgery.
  • Soft tissue injury: This includes damage to the muscles and tendons or a torn ligament in the wrist. These might not be as immediately obvious as fractures but can cause significant pain and mobility issues.
  • Dislocation: Wrist bones, such as the lunate or capitate, can be dislocated in a car accident. This often causes intense pain, swelling, and an inability to move the wrist.
  • Bruising: Bruising is a common symptom accompanying many wrist injuries. It usually indicates underlying tissue damage and bleeding.
  • Tendonitis: The inflammation of tendons in the wrist might occur due to the sudden strain from a car accident. Symptoms include pain, tenderness, and difficulty moving the wrist.
  • Amputation: In severe car accidents, traumatic amputation of a wrist or hand can occur, though it's rare. This is an emergency situation requiring immediate medical attention.

After a car accident, wrist pain can range from mild to severe and could indicate various types of injuries. To determine if your wrist pain is serious, look for the following signs and consider the circumstances:

  • Intensity of pain: Severe, sharp, or intense pain, especially pain that worsens with movement, can indicate a serious injury.
  • Swelling and bruising: Noticeable swelling or bruising around the wrist is a sign that something may be wrong, such as a fracture or sprain.
  • Redness: Redness can be a sign of inflammation or infection. It often occurs around a site of injury or irritation.
  • Deformity or abnormal appearance: If your wrist looks deformed, bent, or out of its normal shape, this could signify a fracture or dislocation.
  • Stiffness in joints: Joint stiffness can result from injuries such as sprains or strains, particularly if swelling is involved. It can also be due to more serious joint damage, such as a ligament tear or a fracture involving the joint. 
  • Limited range of motion: This involves difficulty moving your wrist, hand, or fingers, or inability to carry objects or use your hand normally.
  • Numbness or tingling: Numbness, tingling, or a "pins and needles" sensation in your hand or fingers can indicate nerve damage or injury.
  • Sound or sensation at the time of injury: A snapping, popping, or grinding noise or sensation during the accident might indicate a ligament injury or fracture.

How long can wrist pain last after a car accident?

The duration of wrist pain after a car accident can vary widely depending on the nature and severity of the injury. For less severe injuries like minor sprains or strains, wrist pain might last from a few days to a couple of weeks with proper rest and treatment.

In cases of more significant sprains, small fractures, or soft tissue injuries, the pain can persist for several weeks to a few months. These injuries might require immobilization with a splint or brace and possibly physical therapy.

Severe injuries such as major fractures, ligament tears, or injuries requiring surgery can result in wrist pain that lasts for several months. The recovery period can be lengthy and may involve extensive physical therapy.

Determining the worth of a hand or wrist injury settlement involves many factors and can vary based on the specifics of your case. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Settlements are typically influenced by: 

  • The severity of the hand or wrist injury.
  • Your current and future medical expenses.
  • Lost wages and future earning capacity. 
  • Pain and suffering
  • Impact on your quality of life.

To get an accurate settlement estimate, it’s important to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer. An attorney can evaluate all aspects of your case. That includes reviewing medical records and understanding how the injury affects your life.

It’s typically a good idea to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer if you have pain in the wrist after a crash. A Premier Attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options. They will gather evidence from the crash scene and use it to support your claim. They can also represent you in negotiations with insurance companies or in court (if necessary).

To start your claim, contact a Premier Lawyer near you for a free consultation. Our verified attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, so you can get legal representation at no upfront cost.

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